
Who I am and what I offer

My name is Carin van der Wijk, born 27-02-1963, from the Netherlands.

After 23 years working as a speechtherapist, I studied to become an energetic therapist and meditation coach.

In my practice I offer different kinds of courses and I am guiding clients by individual energetic sessions, to get them more aware of who they really and help them grow on their path of life.

A long time ago I lived in the Azores, returned and now since 2017, I offer  retreats on these authentic islands.


My connection with the Azores

38 years ago I made a special trip to the Azores. On the largest island, São Miguel, I lived and worked as a speechtherapist. My job was to help disabled children in communication. With a team of paramedics, we teached and helped teachers and children. It was a very special year! I have seen a lot, learned and experienced a lot. And how good it felt to be here.

In 2016 I visited the island again. Curious ... How would it be now, what would it feel like? Many memories came by, enjoying the nature, the silence, learning the Portuguese language again, to communicate with the local people.


My experience this time was that it would be great to offer a special retreat to people that like to discover the beautiful nature of these islands. This in combination with rest, relaxation, meditation and more.

A great place on earth to be and become yourself.

And so it happened! Since then several vacationretreats took place, also to other islands. With beautiful people and beautiful experiences. With max 7 persons and also private 1 person retreats.


These retreats bring me a lot to be grateful for. I intensely enjoy being together in nature in combination with rest, relaxation and moments of silence. The feeling of connection. And with that, to offer the meditations, to share my knowledge, to experience the result of the energetic treatments, to hand over practical tools for daily life.

It is really satisfying to see how participants start the retreat and how they go home again. Relaxation in body and mind, feeling space, more happy, satisfied, grateful.


I like to invite you to travel with us. Welcome!                                                                    

More information (in Dutch)


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