Regression Session


Here, you go back to the moment when your complaint arose and the cause of that. It often concerns an unprocessed experience from the past. Because we go back to that moment, the cause is really tackled. This leads to healing at a deep level.


After analyzing your problem, in deep relaxation, trance, you relive the experience and investigate how it still affects you. By recognizing what has happened in the past, you can now become aware of it, then recognize it and let go. After saying goodbye to an old, undesirable pattern (your complaint) you focus on new behavior.

With regression it is important that you want to start your process and are willing to look at yourself with an open attitude.


What does it bring you?

  • Insights why your life has gone so far.
  • New experiences in your life now.
  • Making choices more easily.
  • Flow of your life energy.
  • More feeling of freedom, happiness, satisfaction.
  • Feel closer to yourself.
  • Clearness into your own personality and possibilities.
  • Rest and space in body and mind.
  • Paying attention to this brings you into contact with the wisdom of your soul, your inner knowing.


Regression is suitable for treating various complaints such as

  • Undesirable behavior for you such as saying YES and meaning NO.
  • Getting stuck in work / relationships.
  • Process of mourning.
  • Stress.
  • Burnout.
  • Not feeling comfortable and not knowing why.
  • Mood swings.
  • Sleepingproblems.
  • Lack of confidence.
  • Physical complaints
  • Processing of traumatic experiences.
  • Concentrationproblems.


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